Saad Alessa Dare to Defy

The Show

Dare to Defy is a thought-provoking show written and hosted by comedian Saad Alessa. Directed by AJ Lovelace and edited by Vlad Akushevich, the show aims to draw attention to political matters that are often distorted or overlooked by mainstream media. With a fresh perspective that moves beyond traditional labels of right or left, conservative or liberal, Dare to Defy offers a platform to discuss and debate important issues that affect us all.

The show's motto, 'Ignorance may be bliss,' reflects the understanding that sometimes it's easier to live within the comfort of our knowledge rather than challenge our beliefs, ideologies, or what we thought was right. However, Dare to Defy believes that true growth comes from stepping outside of our comfort zones and critically examining the world around us.

Through its engaging format, Dare to Defy sparks meaningful conversations and encourages viewers to think critically about the world around them. The show challenges the status quo, encouraging viewers to dare to think differently. By defying conventional norms, Dare to Defy seeks to empower its audience to become informed and active participants in shaping a better future.

The Team

  • AJ Lovelace


    A Los Angeles-based award-winning director, cinematographer, writer, actor & photographer. AJ is a Webby Award Honoree whose work has been featured in publications such as the New York Post and Deadline. Communicating the stories of marginalized peoples is steadily at the core of AJ’s creative pursuits. AJ is driven by a deep passion for highlighting the beauty of life, including its darkest corners, for furthering humanity.

  • Saad Alessa

    Writer & Host

    An influential comedian & Laugh Factory regular, Saad skillfully merges his political passion with comedy, complemented by his Master's degree in Dispute Resolution. With a TEDx Talk & over 2M views on TikTok & Instagram, along with 1M views on YouTube, Saad's distinctive blend of humor & insightful perspective has earned him significant influence in the comedy scene. Committed to utilizing his education and comedy, Saad aims to shed light on the injustices and hypocrisies prevalent in the world.

  • Vlad Akushevich


    An award-winning Los Angeles-based filmmaker and video editor with over a decade of experience. Vlad has directed, edited, and produced hundreds of videos, with his top five projects gaining close to 100M views online and on national TV. Vlad's passion for storytelling and dedication to excellence have earned him prestigious awards, and he continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide with his innovative approach to visual storytelling.